Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rock My World

Psalms 103
19 The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the Lord you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.
21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.

My world as I knew it was rocked when I was let go after being with a company for 15 years. I could not believe that it would happen to me. As a matter of fact, I even told someone that I know that God would not let this happen to me because I was one of His children. Well, it did and He did. I was blown away. I found myself at a place not even being able to pray. I was going through the motions on the outside, but not on the inside. Then one night, I was by myself and I just began to cry out to God. At first in anger, then confusion and by the time I was at the point of exhaustion, I came back to God. He showed me so much love, comfort and peace. And so began my new journey.

He showed me that even though it was not really His plan for me to lose my job, He was going to work it out for good. He does things like that. He is awesome. I began to realize that what I had been missing all along was the relationship that He wanted with me. He wanted to show me things. He wanted to share with me things that I would never have been able to see if I had been working and being consumed with work.

His will started to unroll right before my eyes. I saw it so clearly. The Bible was becoming three dimensional, supernatural. How beautiful it is and how thirsty I found myself. Wanting more and more of it. He began talking to me, or actually, I began to finally hear His voice. He was the one that told me to start this blog. Awesome. He was the one that told me to join Prayer Group in church. Beautiful. He was the one that told me to help in the Homeless Ministry. Powerful. He was the one that told me to trust in Him and that He would take care of my family’s financial needs. Comforting. I was beginning to see what His plan was for me and my role as a “woman of the house”. I was to become a prayer warrior while my husband was out working. Then He told me…take that job that I have put in front of you. What? You want me to what? Work? You want me to go back to the place that let me go? Lord, I do not understand this. How in the world does this play out with what you have already shown me, told me? Then He told me…..Trust Me. I have plans for you. I will guide your path. Just jump.

People, when I tell you how much this again has rocked my world, it does not give it justice. But what I have come to realize is that while I was hidden under the comfort of His wings and developing this awesome relationship, I had begun to pray for His will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. He is telling me, using me to fulfill His will. I do not know what the plan is. I do not know what the next step is. But I know that He has chosen me and my family to fulfill His will…… least a part of it.

Have you found a place where it is really comfortable, warm, cozy and safe? A place where you want to stay forever? Do you have His will all figured out in your head? Be careful my friend. God’s thoughts are far more important than ours. How comfortable are you really? Do you really, really want to be a part of fulfilling His will? Or are you just wanting to stay where you are? Safe and comfortable. He tells us to go out in the world and proclaim His name. He tells us to lean on Him. He will never forsake us or leave us. He tells us to trust Him and not to lean on our own understanding. Are you willing? If He told you to jump……..would you?

Dear Lord, how wonderful, comforting, safe and loving You are. We know without a shadow of a doubt that You are in control and that You will never leave us. Even when things are dark, Lord. Even when things don’t make sense. You tell us to give it to You and You will carry the burden. That is how much You love us. Lord, help us to hear Your voice when You call. Help us to understand when it just doesn’t seem clear with what You are doing. Help us to jump in blind faith and know that we have the assurance, that You are our parachute. In Your precious loving name. AMEN

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