Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The end of the world

John 14
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.'

Don’t they know it is the end of the world. It ended when you said good-bye” Some of you may recognize those lyrics……….some may not. I really don’t know who sung this song, I thought it was Donny Osmond, but it really does not matter. But I am reminded of this song with the passing of Michael Jackson. How many people he touched and how many lives are in mourning because he said goodbye. They state that their world will never be the same. Some truly feel it is the end of their world. And sadly, for some it may be true. But it does not have to be that way.

Every time I think of Jesus Christ saying goodbye to this world 2000 years ago, I am so sad. When I take communion, I am reminded how much He loves me and you. I am also reminded of exactly what He had to endure on that cross for me and you. But the song doesn’t end there. My world doesn’t have to end at Him saying goodbye. He rose……….and He is coming back. He has promised us that. Michael Jackson is gone, he is not coming back. He can’t change your world as you know it, but Jesus can. He soooo wants to. Let Him come into your heart. Let Him fill your life with more joy than all the Michael Jackson’s could possibly fill.

People, I promise you, He is coming back. My prayer is that you will be ready.

Dear Lord, thank you so much that you shed your blood for us. We are bought and paid for. Thank you that the song did not end with His death, but began with His resurrection. Lord, I ask that you open up the hearts of the world so they can be ready when you do come back. I love them and most importantly, you do. Each and every one of them Lord. I am standing on your promise that you are coming back. Through your Holy Spirit, Lord, give us the direction and guidance to fulfill your will here on earth. In your precious name, AMEN

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