Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday

Matthew 6
9 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.' 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.'

Last night my husband and I took my mother in law out to dinner. The reason why we went to dinner was to celebrate my husband’s father’s birthday. He would have been 80 years old. He left this earth 13 years ago. As you can imagine dinner was filled with sorrow and laughter last night recalling small details of his life. They both talk about him with such a smile that seems to linger into thought. Both of them loved him so much and feel proud to not only call him Dad and husband, but best friend.

I didn’t get the privilege of knowing him. He had already passed on when I met my husband. But I have heard the stories and shared in some of the laughter. He was so generous. If he had two nickels in his pocket, he not only would give one away, but he would give both. He had such a kind heart. I see that in my husband. He was a strong person with a big build and big hands. Hard worker. Dearly, dearly loved by so many people.

As I am listening to both of their memories, I start to think of my memories of my dad. And I realize that I really don’t have that many memories. I know that he loved me and I have hung on to that for years and years and years. Some other memories that I have are not ones that I really want to remember. My mom and dad divorced when I was five. I never heard from him again and then he passed away. I don’t even know where he was laid to rest.

As my thoughts started to linger, God sweetly talked to me and told me “I am your father and I have never left you”. How beautiful. How comforting. But then I started thinking….My husband knew his father deeply, how well do I really know my father, God. So I went to the Bible and started a journey. I was and still am determined to look up every verse that has God in it. I am pretty sure that I know who God is, but I really want to know who He is. What are His thoughts, His actions, His desires. Here are just a few things that I have found out about my father:

My dad is the creator of light and darkness, water and sky, dry land, grass, seed and fruit. The creator of the stars, sun, moon, birds, sea creatures and all the animals. He is the creator of man and He gave us dominion over the earth. He blesses, he rests, he sets rules, he also curses. My dad provides. He is all knowing. He punishes but he is very compassionate. My dad grieves. He is so powerful that He can destroy at a whim. He gives me specific instructions. He is the creator of the weather. He never forgets his people. When He promises something, he means it. He created the rainbow. He gave man the ability to bless and to curse. He made all the different languages. He is the creator of plaques. He talks to people in visions and dreams. He tells us not to fear – He is our shield and our reward. My dad is the only judge. He sends us angels. Nothing is too hard for my dad. My dad heals. He controls birth. He listens to our prayers. He preserves life. He sees all sin. He delivers us. He is our teacher. He is the one really in control of our emotions. He is my song, my salvation and He reigns forever and ever.

I am still not finished finding out about Him, but this is what I found out just in the first book of the Bible. I can’t wait to learn more.

While my family grieves over a loved one or one that wasn’t even there, I feel comforted to know that we have a father that is here with us, inside us, protecting us, loving us, teaching us and promises us that He will never, ever leave. As a matter of fact….He is coming back.

Dear Father, thank you for just being you. Thank you for loving us in a way that is needed in our earthly lives. There is no love compared to yours. Thank you for your mercy and your grace. We don’t even deserve it, but you still give it. Thank you for choosing each and every one of us. Thank you for dying on the cross so all of us have a chance to intimately call you dad. You are the one that says “I AM THAT I AM”. Thank you for guiding us and protecting us. We know you are coming back. We are waiting eagerly for that trumpet to blow so we can celebrate a new birthday. In Your powerful and loving name, AMEN

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

1 Corinthians 9
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

When I was young and full of foolish things that a young girl is full of, I found myself well, a little chunky. I hated it. All the magazines were filled with beautiful tall and skinny models and I wanted to be one of them. So I did what any foolish young girl would do and that was to not eat for several meals. Well that seemed to do the trick, for a time. Of course, you mature and find out that not eating a few meals is not only unhealthy, it doesn’t stand the test of time and you end up gaining more weight that you lost before. So I then did what any respectable young woman would do, I took diet pills. I was always looking for that quick “get skinny” scheme. Wanting to be 10 pounds lighter the next day. Heaven forbid that I actually did exercise or eat healthy, things that were good for my bones. That took too much time. Who has the patience? Now that I am a woman and see the errors of my ways, I have become familiar with Weight Watchers. No starving yourself, no diet pills. Just plain good common sense in order to lose weight….and keep it off. And I am proud to say that I have lost over 25 pounds now, and kept them off.

I never thought that weight loss would teach me so many things. The one thing that first comes to mind is patience. I have come to realize in my life that good things come to those that wait on the Lord. People, let me tell you I do not do that very well at all. I am the one yelling at God asking Him “why won’t you talk to me”, “ I want answers NOW”. He never answered. He was always quiet. He did tell me “Be still and know that I am God” (coming home from a weightwatchers meeting by the way) While I have lost 25 pounds, I did not lose it over night. I lost it over several months and half a pound at a time. That taught me to wait. Don’t rush. You will reap the rewards.

Another very important lesson that it taught me was self indulgence. While you may think that starving yourself is not an indulgence, it is. You are willing to do something that is not good for you in order to satisfy your desire…and quickly. Being overweight is a HUGE form (no pun intended) of self indulgence. When we are indulgent whether it be with food, cars, tv, money we are serving another master. Jesus tells us to be balanced in all things. He will provide you your needs. We are not to serve two masters. We are to trust in Him, Wait on Him, Worship Him, talk to Him and He will bring life to our bones. If you are willing to do these things that He requires of us, I guarantee you will find peace and happiness….and keep it till He comes back.

Dear Lord, You tell us to be still and know that You are God. That is so hard. Society tells us to go here, do this, take that. You tell us to trust You and lean on only You. We want to Lord. We have the willing spirit, but our flesh is weak Lord. Help us. Help us to understand. Open our hearts to see and understand your ways. We do want peace and happiness and of course we want it now. Show us how to humble ourselves Lord. What we need to sacrifice or give up so we can not only have inner peace, but also keep it. In your most powerful name. AMEN

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rock My World

Psalms 103
19 The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the Lord you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.
21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.

My world as I knew it was rocked when I was let go after being with a company for 15 years. I could not believe that it would happen to me. As a matter of fact, I even told someone that I know that God would not let this happen to me because I was one of His children. Well, it did and He did. I was blown away. I found myself at a place not even being able to pray. I was going through the motions on the outside, but not on the inside. Then one night, I was by myself and I just began to cry out to God. At first in anger, then confusion and by the time I was at the point of exhaustion, I came back to God. He showed me so much love, comfort and peace. And so began my new journey.

He showed me that even though it was not really His plan for me to lose my job, He was going to work it out for good. He does things like that. He is awesome. I began to realize that what I had been missing all along was the relationship that He wanted with me. He wanted to show me things. He wanted to share with me things that I would never have been able to see if I had been working and being consumed with work.

His will started to unroll right before my eyes. I saw it so clearly. The Bible was becoming three dimensional, supernatural. How beautiful it is and how thirsty I found myself. Wanting more and more of it. He began talking to me, or actually, I began to finally hear His voice. He was the one that told me to start this blog. Awesome. He was the one that told me to join Prayer Group in church. Beautiful. He was the one that told me to help in the Homeless Ministry. Powerful. He was the one that told me to trust in Him and that He would take care of my family’s financial needs. Comforting. I was beginning to see what His plan was for me and my role as a “woman of the house”. I was to become a prayer warrior while my husband was out working. Then He told me…take that job that I have put in front of you. What? You want me to what? Work? You want me to go back to the place that let me go? Lord, I do not understand this. How in the world does this play out with what you have already shown me, told me? Then He told me…..Trust Me. I have plans for you. I will guide your path. Just jump.

People, when I tell you how much this again has rocked my world, it does not give it justice. But what I have come to realize is that while I was hidden under the comfort of His wings and developing this awesome relationship, I had begun to pray for His will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. He is telling me, using me to fulfill His will. I do not know what the plan is. I do not know what the next step is. But I know that He has chosen me and my family to fulfill His will…… least a part of it.

Have you found a place where it is really comfortable, warm, cozy and safe? A place where you want to stay forever? Do you have His will all figured out in your head? Be careful my friend. God’s thoughts are far more important than ours. How comfortable are you really? Do you really, really want to be a part of fulfilling His will? Or are you just wanting to stay where you are? Safe and comfortable. He tells us to go out in the world and proclaim His name. He tells us to lean on Him. He will never forsake us or leave us. He tells us to trust Him and not to lean on our own understanding. Are you willing? If He told you to jump……..would you?

Dear Lord, how wonderful, comforting, safe and loving You are. We know without a shadow of a doubt that You are in control and that You will never leave us. Even when things are dark, Lord. Even when things don’t make sense. You tell us to give it to You and You will carry the burden. That is how much You love us. Lord, help us to hear Your voice when You call. Help us to understand when it just doesn’t seem clear with what You are doing. Help us to jump in blind faith and know that we have the assurance, that You are our parachute. In Your precious loving name. AMEN

Friday, July 10, 2009

In This City

Matthew 25:35 For I was a hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Did you know that there are over 750,000 people homeless each night in the United States? And it is increasing EACH DAY. With the economic crunch, there are thousands of men and women losing their jobs. Facing questions like, “How am I going to pay the mortgage?” “How can I tell my family that we don’t have any food?” “Lord, why did you let this happen to me?” This is truly, truly a time of faith testing. Not only for the people that are without, but also for the people that are with.

Several years ago I was living on my own. Not really a care in the world. Not paying much attention to anything going on in the world, much less my city. I went to the same job every day, talked to the same friends every day, watched the same shows every day. Then one day, on my way home, God showed me something. It was a homeless man that had housed himself on the side of a 7-11. Well, of course I had seen this man every day, but not paying attention. But God had something else planned for me that particular day. He told me to stop and go and talk to this man. I of course, did not. How crazy was that? How dangerous? Surely this is not what God wants me to do. But God kept on and did not let up. He reminded me of the verse – Be careful as you do not know if you are entertaining an angel. (Yes, it does say that in the Bible) So I stopped. I got to know the man. I am not convinced that he was an angel. Actually he was more than a little…off. I really did not understand him that much, but he had a good heart. I began to stop more frequently and gave him food, toothpaste and such. I prayed for him and had others pray for him. I actually found myself worrying about him when it rained. Then one day, out of the blue, God told me that I did not have to visit this homeless man anymore. When I passed him again….God had sent someone else to take care of him. Someone else that most likely had the same story that I did.

The Bible specifically tells each of us to “Go, heal the lepers, cleanse the sick, feed the poor” He wasn’t just talking to his 12 disciples. He was talking to each of us. I bet that you know someone who is down and out. Someone who has lost a job. Someone who is struggling to pay their bills and afraid that they are going to be kicked out of their home. Or, you just pass by a homeless person every day and look at them in pity or judgment like I did. I challenge you today, stop what you are doing and pray. Ask God to tell you what He wants you to do. Ask how you can fulfill His will here on earth. I guarantee you, He will answer. You may be saying to yourself – Yeah, but I am kinda in the same situation. Pray. Be obedient. Trust God. He will take care of your needs. Let Him change your heart.

Greater things are still to come. Greater things are yet to be done in this city. You have the ability to change it.

Dear Lord, I come before you a humble servant. I ask that you continue to touch my heart and the hearts of the people reading this that each of us hear your voice and are obedient to your commands. There are so many people out there hurting Lord. So many people out there lost. Waiting for someone, anyone to come by and just ask them what their name is. Lead each of us Lord to where You want us to go. Show us who You want us to pray for or to reach out to Lord. You are the one in control. We trust and lean on You. Lord, you said that You will never leave us for forsake us and that You will take care of our needs. Thank you Lord, for being so loving and gracious and merciful. In Your precious name. AMEN

Monday, July 6, 2009

No Pain No Gain

James 1
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

My husband joined a gym the other day. He met with his new trainer to develop a workout plan that will enhance him physically. He was gone for about two hours. When he finally came home, he was so excited about what he learned and about his new “lease on life”. When we woke up the next morning, reality soon came crashing in. He could not move his arms. He could barely lift the coffee cup up to drink it. He was in so much pain that when he had an itch on his face, he pretty much had to move his face to his finger to relieve the itch. You all know what I am talking about. I am pretty sure that each of us has experienced that kind of soreness in our bodies a time or two.

But he told me with great discomfort “I just have to get through the next two weeks and it will be all over with”. I know that he won’t give up because he knows the reward that he will gain.

This reminds me of how satan works. We do not live in a physical world, but a spiritual one. There is spiritual warfare going on at ALL times. The devil is here to kill, steal and destroy all of us. But we can’t let him. We have power and authority over satan through Jesus Christ. We can overcome satan’s little schemes. Are you struggling with a concern? Do you have doubt about a certain outcome? Are you confused about that relationship or job? Are you experiencing jealousy about someone? Are you just plain aggravated about something? All these emotions are not of God. They are of satan. This is spiritual warfare. God is not about struggles, doubt, confusion, jealousy or aggravation. He is about love, peace and forgiveness.

The great thing about spiritual warfare is that when you experience it, it is the result of you becoming closer with God. Building that beautiful relationship with our Creator. Satan does not like that and will fight it to the end. But once you realize what it truly is. Once you realize that this is truly a back-handed compliment from satan, where satan is recognizing your relationship with God. Then all you have to do is persevere. Get through the next couple of days or weeks. Get through the pain…..and you will experience the gain. People, don’t give up. You have the power to rebuke satan. Exercise it. You too can gain a new lease on life.

Dear Lord, You are our wonderful Creator. The maker of heaven and earth. You are in control of all things. Through your blood on the cross, you have given us the power and authority over satan. Thank you Jesus for giving us this power. I pray that when we experience satan and we will because of how much we want to become closer to You, that we have the strength to overcome and win this spiritual battle that we are living in. Thank you for loving us so much. You said that You will never leave us or forsake us. We stand on that promise today and everyday in order to gain from the pain. In Your awesome name. AMEN

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The end of the world

John 14
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.'

Don’t they know it is the end of the world. It ended when you said good-bye” Some of you may recognize those lyrics……….some may not. I really don’t know who sung this song, I thought it was Donny Osmond, but it really does not matter. But I am reminded of this song with the passing of Michael Jackson. How many people he touched and how many lives are in mourning because he said goodbye. They state that their world will never be the same. Some truly feel it is the end of their world. And sadly, for some it may be true. But it does not have to be that way.

Every time I think of Jesus Christ saying goodbye to this world 2000 years ago, I am so sad. When I take communion, I am reminded how much He loves me and you. I am also reminded of exactly what He had to endure on that cross for me and you. But the song doesn’t end there. My world doesn’t have to end at Him saying goodbye. He rose……….and He is coming back. He has promised us that. Michael Jackson is gone, he is not coming back. He can’t change your world as you know it, but Jesus can. He soooo wants to. Let Him come into your heart. Let Him fill your life with more joy than all the Michael Jackson’s could possibly fill.

People, I promise you, He is coming back. My prayer is that you will be ready.

Dear Lord, thank you so much that you shed your blood for us. We are bought and paid for. Thank you that the song did not end with His death, but began with His resurrection. Lord, I ask that you open up the hearts of the world so they can be ready when you do come back. I love them and most importantly, you do. Each and every one of them Lord. I am standing on your promise that you are coming back. Through your Holy Spirit, Lord, give us the direction and guidance to fulfill your will here on earth. In your precious name, AMEN